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Tackling Obesity–This is the Weight to Go!


In this modern world, we are so busy with the daily chores that we forget to take care of our health. Our unhealthy lifestyle leads to weight gain which destroys the idea of living a slim & trim life.


Those who are overweight tend to lead a tough and torturous life, even when they face themselves in the mirror.     


Should obese people blame themselves for their weight problems?

Sometimes, what you believe is often the exact opposite of the reality. Every decision we take might lead to a weight gain. Many foods claiming to be diet-friendly are packed with hidden calories which includes sugar and syrups. Irregular food habits, crash diets, unhealthy sleeping patterns, stress, depression, anxiety and medications are the reasons for obesity.

 The dangerous truth about obesity

The risk of this sickening state includes reduced lifespan, diabetes, heart disease, heart attack, high cholesterol, and even death.


Don’t Sugar-coat the Root Cause


Obesity is widely marked and misinterpreted. A false sense of panic is created which makes people run for weight reduction programs and surgeries. But obesity is often a symptom of underlying physical or psychological issues. Therefore, it is important to identify the root cause of the condition and focus on it before it becomes severe.


Ayurveda – For a Triumph of Mind over Platter


Ayurveda, as in Vedic literature, looks at obesity as a result of an imbalance in one’s life caused by lifestyle and dietary choices that affect the digestive and metabolic systems. The aim of Ayurveda is to restore that balance by raising the metabolic power and burning the toxins in your body through a multidimensional approach.


On the Climb to a Healthy Life with HEALING EARTH!


No matter what the obesity-associated disease, healing Earth Multi-speciality Ayurveda Hospital has a solution for you! The personalized treatment plan will focus on the six aspects of causative factors for obesity. We identify the root cause and manage accordingly in ways that are unique to each individual considering the cause and the type of body constitution which differs from person to person



Reach Out to Healing Earth for a Fitter You!


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