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Kukutanda Pinda Sweda

Kukutanda means Egg Yolk, Pinda means a bolus. Sweda means Fomentation or sudation. The sweda or the sudation given by using a bolus which is prepared by using egg yolk along with some herbal medicines which are indicated for the condition is called as Kukutanda sweda (Kukutanda kizhi).

Treatment procedure.
The treatment procedure is divided in to three parts…

Purva karma(pre procedure)
Pradhana Karma(main Procedure)
Pashyat Karma(Post Procedure)

Selection of the patient:-
Selection of the patient for this procedure depends up on the diagnosis which is done with
Astha vidha pareeksha (eight fold examination)and Dashavidha Pareeksha’s(ten fold examination) which is done by a qualified physician

Selection of the medicine
The chicken egg yolk is taken along with some medicinal herbs which have the pharmacological and therapeutic property of relieving pain, inflammation and stiffness and also which can rejuvenate and strengthen the joints and soft tissue, stops the degeneration and improves the circulation are selected as per the condition of the patient depending on Rogi bala(Strength of the patient)Roga Bala(severity of the disease).

The person is made to lie on the droni, if Abhyanga(massage) is indicated then it is performed performed for a few minutes with medicated oil followed with Kukutanda Kizhi, where the bolus which is prepared with the Kukutanda is heated and sudation is given to the affected part of the body.
Duration of the treatment—25 to 30 min
Pashyat karma(post procedure)
After the treatment the person is advised to take rest for a while.

  • Bell’s palsy
  • Hanugraha
  • Greeva graham
  • Apabhahuka
  • Skin nourishment

The mode of action of Anda Sweda shows in three forms, they are mild snehana effect, fomentation effect, and nourishing effect.
Skin is a large and highly complex organ, with extensive network of blood vessels, branches, and sensory receptors that monitor touch, pressure, temperature and pain.

Here the nourishing effect will be in from the ingredients, the main ingredient being egg yolk that contains proteins and fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K and lecithin which his present in egg yolk is having cosmetic and pharmacological application and that is how this treatment helps in nourishing skin and as acts on various pathological conditions.

When the procedure Anda Sweda starts, the heat produced by the medicated bolus increases the temperature to more than 2 to 3 c in all areas of the body, and vasodilatation will takes place due to which increased blood will enhances transformation of the necessary nutrients and oxygen which are supplied and waste products are expelled because of increased blood supply the metabolism will increase as a result the output of waste products from the cells are increased.

Healing earth Multispecialty ayurveda hospital gives importance to the selection of the medicine, and eggs which are from authentic source for the procedure, so that to avoid any kind of complications and to give the optimal results.

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